Table of contents
  1. Add HTML Fragments
    1. Use HTMX
    2. Conditionally
  2. Adding js Script

Add HTML Fragments

engine should be looking in resources/templates/

  •  <div id="rta-container" th:replace="fragments/realTimeAlertNotification :: rtaFragment"></div>
  •  <div th:if="${disableAlertButton}" th:insert="~{/fragments/notificationModal :: notificationModal}"></div>


<div id="id"


without using a custom dialect, is to use arguments on the fragment I use as my layout template which I call ‘main-layout’. This example allows you to leave out elements you
don’t need to override, but any you provide will be added to whatever is in the ‘main-layout’ fragment.

  • main-view.html

       <!DOCTYPE html>
          <html lang="en" xmlns:th="" th:fragment="main-layout">
                  <title>Template Head Title</title>
                  <th:block th:replace="${head} ?: ~{}"/>
                      Common Template Header Here
                      <th:block th:replace="${contentHeader} ?: ~{}"/>
                      Common Template Content Here
                      <th:block th:replace="${content} ?: ~{}"/>
                  Common Template Footer Here
                  <th:block th:replace="${footer} ?: ~{}"/>
    • use case

          <!DOCTYPE HTML>
          <html th:replace="main-view.html :: main-layout (head=~{:: head}, contentHeader=~{:: header}, content=~{:: main}, footer=~{:: footer})">
              <head th:remove="tag">
                  <title>Greeting Head</title>
                  <header th:remove="tag">
                      Greeting Content Header
                  <main th:remove="tag">
                      Greeting Content
              <footer th:remove="tag">
                  Greeting Footer

Adding js Script

  • index.html

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html xmlns:th="">
              Hello World
          <!-- Calling default scripts + custom scripts -->
          <div th:replace="fragments/script :: base_script(~{::script})">
              <script th:src="@{js/customjs1.min.js}"></script>
              <script th:src="@{js/customjs2.min.js}"></script>
              <script th:src="@{js/customjs3.min.js}"></script>
          <!-- If you want to call only default scripts -->
          <!--<head th:replace="fragments/script :: base_script(null)"></head>-->
  • The default js files are called by default but you can add additional scripts.

      <html xmlns:th="">
          <div th:fragment="base_script(scripts)">
              <!-- /* default js files */ -->
              <script th:src="@{js/defaul1.min.js}"></script>
              <script th:src="@{js/defaul2.min.js}"></script>
              <script th:src="@{js/defaul3.min.js}"></script>
              <th:block th:if="${scripts != null}">
                  <th:block th:replace="${scripts}"/>
  • Both of default js files and custom js files will be called in index.html.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            Hello World
        <!-- Calling default scripts + custom scripts -->
            <!-- /* default js + custom js files */ -->
            <script src="/js/defaul1.min.js"></script>
            <script src="/js/defaul2.min.js"></script>
            <script src="/js/defaul3.min.js"></script>
            <script src="/js/customjs1.min.js"></script>
            <script src="/js/customjs2.min.js"></script>
            <script src="/js/customjs3.min.js"></script>