Table of contents
  1. GISTs
    1. Keyboard input/ barcode scanner react typescript hook
  2. How to dynamically infer TypeScript single object types from tRPC query outputs
  3. Improving mapping performance with web workers
  4. How to type-safely interact with Firestore documents
    1. The problem
    2. The solution
  5. How to obtain reactivity in custom hooks while interacting with the local storage
  6. Axios Request and Response Interceptors
  7. How to declare path aliases in Typescript
  8. How to import images in Typescript
    1. 1. Make sure that the images folder is “reachable” by Typescript.
    2. 2. Let Typescript know about the .svg type in that folder.


Keyboard input/ barcode scanner react typescript hook

How to dynamically infer TypeScript single object types from tRPC query outputs

This is how you can dynamically infer a single object type from a tRPC Query returning an array of elements of that specific type:

export const exampleRouter = router({
    exampleQuery: exampleQueryImplementation,

// extracting a single object type from an array of that type
export type ArrayElement<ArrayType extends unknown[] | null> =
    ArrayType extends (infer ElementType)[] ? ElementType : never;

// the output types of a specific router, indexable by query identifiers
type RouterOutput = inferRouterOutputs<typeof exampleRouter>;

// return type of a single query
export type QueryOutputArray = RouterOutput["exampleQuery"];

// the type of each element from the returned array
export type QueryOutputObject = ArrayElement<QueryOutputArray>;

Improving mapping performance with web workers

We can use web workers to execute the computationally intensive mapping operation in a separate thread. This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Create a new TS file for the worker

    // worker.ts
    // define the input and output types
    type WorkerInput<T, U> = { data: T; mapFn: (x: T) => U };
    type WorkerOutput<U> = { data: U[] };
    // function for the actual work on the data
    function doWork<T, U>(input: WorkerInput<T, U>): Promise<WorkerOutput<U>> {
      // Apply the mapping function to the input data.
      const mappedData =;
      // Return the mapped data as a promise.
      return Promise.resolve({ data: mappedData });
  2. Use the worker in the main.ts file

    // main.ts
    const worker = new Worker("worker.ts");
    // Define the mapping function.
    const mapFn = (x: number) => x * x;
    // Send data and the mapping function to the worker for processing.
    worker.postMessage({ data: [1, 2, 3], mapFn });
    // Listen for the message with the result from the worker
    worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
      console.log(`Received message from worker: ${}`);

How to type-safely interact with Firestore documents

The problem

When using Typescript and Firestore, we usually have to do a lot of manual casting when working with documents. One such example would be getting
the data of a document:

const thread =; // this will be of type any

Should we want to interact with the data in a type-safe manner, we’ll have to cast it, which can quickly become tedious.

const thread = <ThreadData>;

Additionally, when we write data to Firestore, there are no restrictions on how the data should look.

The solution

This is when Firestore Data Converters can come in handy.
All we have to do is implement two methods - one where we constrain the data that gets written and one where we cast the data coming from

const converter = {
    toFirestore: (dataToBeWritten: ThreadData) => data,
    fromFirestore: (document: QueryDocumentSnapshot) =>

To take this one step further, we can store the “converted” collection reference so we won’t have to apply the converters each time we query the

const threadCollection = db.collection("threads").withConverter(converter);

Now we can safely interact with the collection without having to cast the data:

const threadDocument = await threadCollection.doc(id).get();
const thread =; // this will be of type ThreadData

How to obtain reactivity in custom hooks while interacting with the local storage

This is how we can obtain reactivity in our custom React.js hooks while working with the local storage, using the Pub/Sub (Observer) design
pattern (with TypeScript support).

The goal is to implement a “useLocalStorage” custom hook, which will abstract away the complexity of reading from and writing to the local storage.
As we know, each custom hook instantiates its own
That is a problem in our case because when one instance of the hook updates the local storage, the state copies held by all the other hook instances
will be out of sync and will never be

We can solve this issue using the following idea: we can mimic a centralized shared state between our custom hook instances by delegating the
responsibility of holding these in sync with the local
storage to a custom “manager,” the Observer object.

Our custom hook will work based on these ideas:

  1. Custom Hook instances will subscribe their inner state updater functions to this manager
  2. Custom Hook instances will publish the new state to the manager when updating a key of the local storage
  3. The manager will trigger all subscriber functions and thus update the inner states of the custom hook instances.

The observer object:

export type Listener<EventType> = (event: EventType) => void;

export type ObserverReturnType<KeyType, EventType> = {
    subscribe: (entryKey: KeyType, listener: Listener<EventType>) => () => void;
    publish: (entryKey: KeyType, event: EventType) => void;

export default function createObserver<
    KeyType extends string | number | symbol,
>(): ObserverReturnType<KeyType, EventType> {
    const listeners: Record<KeyType, Listener<EventType>[]> = {} as Record<

    return {
        subscribe: (entryKey: KeyType, listener: Listener<EventType>) => {
            if (!listeners[entryKey]) listeners[entryKey] = [];
            return () => {
                listeners[entryKey].splice(listeners[entryKey].indexOf(listener), 1);
        publish: (entryKey: KeyType, event: EventType) => {
            if (!listeners[entryKey]) listeners[entryKey] = [];
            listeners[entryKey].forEach((listener: Listener<EventType>) =>

export const LocalStorageObserver = createObserver<

export const {subscribe, publish} = LocalStorageObserver;

The useLocalStorage custom hook (window checks are optional, depending on which environment this JavaScript will run on):

export function useLocalStorage<T>(key: LOCAL_STORAGE_KEYS, initialValue: T) {
    const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = useState(() => {
        if (typeof window === "undefined") {
            return initialValue;
        try {
            const item = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
            return item ? JSON.parse(item) : initialValue;
        } catch (error) {
            return initialValue;

    LocalStorageObserver.subscribe(key, setStoredValue);

    const setValue = (value: T) => {
        try {
            const valueToStore =
                value instanceof Function ? value(storedValue) : value;
            LocalStorageObserver.publish(key, valueToStore);
            if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
                window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(valueToStore));
        } catch (error) {
    return [storedValue, setValue];

Axios Request and Response Interceptors

Axios interceptors come in handy when we need to track, register, or work with:

  1. Requests before leaving
  2. Responses before arriving
  3. Both 1 and 2

Thanks to interceptors, we can pass our own handlers/callbacks for the following cases:

  1. Before launching a request
  2. Catching an error at HTTP request launch
  3. Arrival of a response
  4. Catching an error at response arrival

This is an example of how we can use them:

// handlers for the request launch and for catching request launch error
    (config) => {
        console.log('We are now preparing to launch the request!')
        return config;
    (error) => Promise.reject(error),

// handlers for response interceptor and error response interceptor
    (response) => {
        console.log('We received the response!');
        return response;
    (error) => {
        if (error.response.status === 403)
            return Promise.reject(error);

Each Axios Instance can have its custom configuration and request and response interceptors.
This can be very useful when the architecture of our application enforces/allows each of our services to
use their own Axios Instance.
This way, each service can have an Axios Instance with custom configuration and custom request/response interceptors.

This is what an Axios Instance factory utility function could look like in TypeScript:

export const createAxiosWithInterceptors = (
    requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {},
    requestInterceptorHandlers: Partial<RequestInterceptorHandlers> = DefaultRequestInterceptor,
    responseInterceptorHandlers: Partial<ResponseInterceptorHandlers> = DefaultResponseInterceptor,
) => {
    const axiosInstance = axios.create(requestConfig);



    return axiosInstance;

where we can define our types and default interceptors as follows:

type RequestConfigHandler = (config: AxiosRequestConfig) => AxiosRequestConfig;
type RequestErrorHandler = (error: AxiosError) => Promise<AxiosError>;
type RequestInterceptorHandlers = {
    requestConfigHandler: RequestConfigHandler;
    requestErrorHandler: RequestErrorHandler;

type ResponseHandler = (response: AxiosResponse) => AxiosResponse;
type ResponseErrorHandler = (error: AxiosError) => Promise<AxiosError>;

type ResponseInterceptorHandlers = {
    responseHandler: ResponseHandler;
    responseErrorHandler: ResponseErrorHandler;

const DefaultResponseInterceptor = {
    responseHandler: (response: AxiosResponse) => response,
    responseErrorHandler: (error: AxiosError) => Promise.reject(error),

const DefaultRequestInterceptor = {
    requestConfigHandler: (config: AxiosRequestConfig) => config,
    requestErrorHandler: (error: AxiosError) => Promise.reject(error),

In each of our services we can then use our factory method as follows:

// axios instance with custom request config received through constructor, custom request interceptor and default response interceptor
http: AxiosInstance = createAxiosWithInterceptors(this.requestConfig, {
    requestConfigHandler: (config) => {
        return config;

How to declare path aliases in Typescript

Defining path aliases using webpack can save you a lot of headache when it comes to imports, but you must also let Typescript know about them.

Following my previous post on declaring path aliases using webpack, you can
configure your tsconfig.json file to in order to
be able to use those aliases in Typescript like so:

  "paths": {
    "@/*": [
    "images/*": [
  "include": [

Of course, all paths for defined aliases must be reachable by Typescript.
You can check this post out if you are not sure
how to do that.

Otherwise, we are going to get this error:

Cannot find module 'images/[your module]' or its corresponding type declarations.

How to import images in Typescript

Normally, when Typescript cannot find something, we get this error:

Cannot find module [your module] or its corresponding type declarations ts(2307)

Now let’s see how we can fix this, with a simple example.
Given the following folder structure:

│── src
│   ├── resources
│   │   ├── ts
│   │   │   ├── **/*.ts
│   │   ├── images
│   │   │   ├── logo.svg
├── ...
├── tsconfig.json

To be able to achieve something like this:

import Logo from "[path]/images/logo.svg";

without any ** Typescript errors**, we need to follow these steps:

1. Make sure that the images folder is “reachable” by Typescript.

Adding this inside tsconfig.json will do the trick:

  "include": [

A configuration like this one will not do:

  "include": [

Because images/ is not included in ts/ and we don’t have any other folders declared, so Typescript can’t “reach” it.

2. Let Typescript know about the .svg type in that folder.

In the root of the images folder create a file called index.d.ts:

├── resources
│   ├── ts
│   │   ├── **/*.ts
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── logo.svg
│   │   ├── index.d.ts

With the following contents:

declare module "*.svg" {
    const value: any;
    export = value;