Table of contents
With Publisher
public String execute() {
return Mono.from(emailSendingService.sendTestEmail()).doOnNext(rsp -> {"response status {}\nresponse body {}\nresponse headers {}", rsp.getStatusCode(), rsp.getBody(), rsp.getHeaders());
}).map(rsp -> rsp.getHeaders());
Micronaut Email
public Mono<Map<String, String>> index() throws Exception {
return emailSendingService.send(Email.builder()
.subject("Sending email with Twilio Sendgrid is Fun")
.body("and <em>easy</em> to do anywhere with <strong>Micronaut Email</strong>", HTML)
Basic Send
Basic Send From Controller
@Controller(value = "/")
@ReflectionConfig.ReflectiveMethodConfig(name = "index")
@Requires(property = "")
public class HomeController {
EmailSender<?, ?> emailSender;
public HomeController(EmailSender<?, ?> emailSender) {
this.emailSender = emailSender;
@Post(uri = "/send", produces = "application/json")
public Map<String, ?> index() {
var result = emailSender.send(Email.builder()
.subject("Email Subject: " +
.body("Basic email", BodyType.TEXT));
return Collections.singletonMap("result", result);
Use SengridSendingService build out with Composer
Build Request With Composer
public class RequestFunction implements Function<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent> {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestFunction.class);
JsonMapper jsonMapper;
EmailSendingService emailSendingService;
GenericServices genericServices;
SendGridConfiguration sendGridConfiguration;
public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent apply(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent requestEvent) {"Request: {}", requestEvent);
Optional<Map<String, String>> params = Optional.ofNullable(requestEvent.getQueryStringParameters());
QueryCommand queryCommand = -> genericServices.mapToCommandObject(stringStringMap, QueryCommand.class))
.orElse(new QueryCommand());
APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent response = new APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent();
SendgridEmailComposer composer = new SendgridEmailComposer();
try {
Email.Builder emailBuilder = emailSendingService.buildAndSend(queryCommand);
emailBuilder.from(new Contact("", "no-reply"));
emailBuilder.body("test my email fuck", BodyType.TEXT);
Consumer<Request> requestConsumer = (request) -> {"Processing Request: {}", request);
// Additional custom logic for processing the request (if needed)
Email email =;
Request sendGridRequest = composer.compose(email);
SendgridEmailSender sendGridEmailSender = new SendgridEmailSender(sendGridConfiguration, composer);
Response sendGridResponse = sendGridEmailSender.send(email, requestConsumer);
String emailValues = new String(jsonMapper.writeValueAsBytes(email));
Map<String, Object> returnMessage = Map.of("header", sendGridResponse.getHeaders(), "body", sendGridResponse.getBody(), "micronautemail", emailValues);
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> returnMap = Collections.singletonMap("message", returnMessage);
String jsonResponse = new String(jsonMapper.writeValueAsBytes(returnMap));
catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error processing request", e);
}"Response: {}", response);
return response;
Build with JSON and Send
Use JSON to build SendGrid Email and Send
@Controller(value = "/")
@ReflectionConfig.ReflectiveMethodConfig(name = "index")
@Requires(property = "")
public class HomeController {
private final SendGrid sendGrid;
public HomeController(SendGrid sendGrid) {
this.sendGrid = sendGrid;
@Post(uri = "/send", produces = "application/json")
public Map<String, ?> index() {
Map<String, Object> emailData = new HashMap<>();
emailData.put("personalizations", Collections.singletonList(
Collections.singletonMap("to", Collections.singletonList(
Collections.singletonMap("email", "").put("name", "receiver")))));
emailData.put("from", Collections.singletonMap("email", "").put("name", "sender"));
emailData.put("subject", "Micronaut Email Basic Test: " +;
emailData.put("content", Collections.singletonList(
Collections.singletonMap("type", "text/plain")
emailData.put("content", Collections.singletonList(
Collections.singletonMap("value", "Email Subject")));
try {
Request request = new Request();
request.setBody(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(emailData));
Response response = sendGrid.api(request);
return Collections.singletonMap("result", response.getStatusCode());
catch (IOException ex) {
return Collections.singletonMap("error", ex.getMessage());
Add Attachment
add a cid to src attribute and give it an id, i have had the best luck when using the file name
<img src="cid:InlineAttachment.png"/>
your attachment builder, use the id, and I add disposition, content i do add it as bytes[] , but i have had it working when you just add the file
public Attachment buildAttachment() {
then add your attachent to the attachment property
public Email buildEmail() {
Add Attachment as bytes
public Attachment.Builder buildAttachment(@NonNull String path, @NonNull String name, @NonNull String disposition, @NonNull MimeType type) throws IOException {
byte[] fileBytes = getClasspathResourceAsBytes(path).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("File not found! " + path));
Attachment.Builder attachmentBuilder = Attachment.builder()
if ("inline".equals(disposition)) {;
return attachmentBuilder;
public Optional<byte[]> getClasspathResourceAsBytes(@NonNull String path) {
return getClasspathResource(path).flatMap(url -> {
try (InputStream inputStream = url.openStream()) {
return Optional.of(inputStream.readAllBytes());
catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error reading bytes from resource: {}", path, e);
return Optional.empty();
Add Attachment as Base64
public Attachment buildAttachment(String path, String name, String disposition, MimeType type) throws IOException {
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
InputStream imageStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(path);
String imageBase64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(imageStream.readAllBytes());
return Attachment.builder()
Add Attachment as ImageStream
public @NonNull Attachment buildAttachment(String path, String name, String disposition, MimeType type) throws IOException {
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
try (InputStream imageStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(path)) {
assert imageStream != null;
return Attachment.builder()
Add Attachment as File
public @NonNull Attachment buildAttachment(
String path, String name, String disposition, MimeType type) throws IOException {
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
URL resource = classLoader.getResource(path);
if (resource == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File not found! " + path);
File resourceFile = new File(resource.getFile());
return Attachment.builder()
MimeType / ContentType
Enum Example
MimeType Enum
package example.micronaut.Util; import io.micronaut.serde.annotation.Serdeable; @Serdeable public enum MimeType { // Define common MIME types TEXT_PLAIN("text/plain", ".txt"), TEXT_HTML("text/html", ".html", ".htm"), APPLICATION_JSON("application/json", ".json"), APPLICATION_XML("application/xml", ".xml"), IMAGE_PNG("image/png", ".png"), IMAGE_JPEG("image/jpeg", ".jpeg", ".jpg"), IMAGE_GIF("image/gif", ".gif"), APPLICATION_PDF("application/pdf", ".pdf"), APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM("application/octet-stream", ""); // Fallback for unknown types private final String mimeType; private final String[] extensions; MimeType(String mimeType, String... extensions) { this.mimeType = mimeType; this.extensions = extensions; } // Static method to get the MIME type string from an extension public static String getMimeTypeFromExtension(String extension) { return fromExtension(extension).getMimeType(); } // Get the MIME type as a string public String getMimeType() { return mimeType; } // Static method to find a MIME type based on file extension public static MimeType fromExtension(String extension) { if (extension == null || extension.isEmpty()) { return APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; // Default to binary stream for unknown types } for (MimeType type : MimeType.values()) { for (String ext : type.getExtensions()) { if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(ext)) { return type; } } } return APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; // Default if no match is found } // Get the extensions associated with this MIME type public String[] getExtensions() { return extensions; } }