Table of contents
  1. BOM
  2. MDN
    1. example
  3. creating new window with html document
    1. Raw JS examples and comments
  4. window size
  5. window.resizeTo(width, height)
  6. window.move(x, y)
    1. Similarly, you can move the current window by a specified amount:
  7. window.close
  8. window.opener
  9. BOM
    1. popups
    2. Location
    3. Navigator
    4. History
    5. Screen


The Browser Object Model (BOM) in
JavaScript includes the properties and
methods for JavaScript to interact with
the web browser. MDN

The syntax of the method is given below: open (URL, windowName[, windowFeatures])

URL The URL of the page to open in the new window. This argument could be blank.

windowName A name to be given to the new window. The name can be used to refer this window again.

windowFeatures A string that determines the various window features to be included in the popup window (like status bar, address bar etc) The
following code opens a new browser window with
standard features."", "mywindow");
  • Changing the features of the Popup,
    You can control the features of the popup using the last argument to the method.
    The following code opens a window with a status bar and no extra features."", "mywindow", "status=1");
  • The code below opens a window with toolbar and status bar."", "mywindow", "status=1,toolbar=1",);

The table shows the features and the string tokens you can use:

statusThe status bar at the bottom of the window.
toolbarThe standard browser toolbar, with buttons such as Back and Forward.
locationThe Location entry field where you enter the URL.
menubarThe menu bar of the window
directoriesThe standard browser directory buttons, such as What’s New and What’s Cool
resizableAllow/Disallow the user to resize the window.
scrollbarsEnable the scrollbars if the document is bigger than the window
heightSpecifies the height of the window in pixels. (example: height=‘350’)
widthSpecifies the width of the window in pixels.

The following code opens a window with menu bar.
The window is re-sizable and is having 350 pixels width and 250 pixels height."", "mywindow", "menubar=1,resizable=1,width=350,height=250",);

Example 1
A window with location bar, status bar, scroll bar and of size 100 X 100"", "mywindow", "location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1, width=100,height=100",);

Example 2
Moving the window to a desired location
You can use the window.moveTo function to move the popup window to a desired location.
The code below shows positioning the popup at a desired location.

function mypopup() {
    mywindow ="", "mywindow", "location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1, width=100,height=100",);
    mywindow.moveTo(0, 0);

The code positions the popup on the top left corner of the screen.

Putting it all together
Now we will combine all these information to create the popup windows of different types.
The Code below opens a popup window when you enter the page:

    <title>JavaScript Popup Example 3</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function poponload() {
        let testWindow ="", "mywindow", "location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,width=100,height=100",);
        testwindow.moveTo(0, 0);
<body onload="poponload()">
<h1>JavaScript Popup Example 3</h1>


//no parameter to the method, no problems still works
var firstWindow =;
//gives size to the new window with no url specified
var secondWindow ="", "", "width=200,height=100");
//this specified the name parameter as well
var thirdWindow ="", "NEWWindow", "width=200,height=100");
// All parameter are specified over here
var fourthWindow ="", "_blank", "toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top=500,left=500,width=400,height=400",);
// using the document.write method to write to the new window
firstWindow.document.write("<p>This is 'firstwindow'. I am 200px wide and 100px tall!</p>",);

creating new window with html document

function newWindowDimensions(width, height, x_axis, y_axis) {
    const dualScreenLeft = window.screenLeft !== undefined
                           ? window.screenLeft
                           : window.screenX;
    const dualScreenTop = window.screenTop !== undefined
                          ? window.screenTop
                          : window.screenY;

    const w = width
              ? width
              : DEFAULT_PPT_WIDTH.pixels;
    const h = height
              ? height
              : DEFAULT_PPT_HEIGHT.pixels;

    function compute(screenPx, elementPx) {
        return screenPx / 2 - elementPx / 2;

    const x = x_axis
              ? x_axis
              : Math.round(compute(window.screen.width, w) + dualScreenLeft);

    const y = y_axis
              ? y_axis
              : Math.round(compute(window.screen.height, h) + dualScreenTop);

    return `width=${w},height=${h},screenX=${x},screenY=${y},status=0,dependent=0,minimizable=0,resizable=0,menubar=0,location=0,toolbar=0,status=0,scrollbars=0,titlebar=0,dialog=0`;

function openWindowBuildPPTX(theDoc) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        let srcNode = theDoc.documentElement;
        const winUrl = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([srcNode.outerHTML], {type: "text/html"}),);

        // //inject in window and open
        const windowFeatures = newWindowDimensions();
        const pptWindow =, "", windowFeatures);


Raw JS examples and comments

window size

const width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;

const height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;

window.resizeTo(width, height)

let jsWindow ="http://localhost/js/about.html", "about", "height=600,width=800",);

setTimeout(() => {
    jsWindow.resizeTo(600, 300);
}, 3000);

window.move(x, y)

let jsWindow ="http://localhost/js/about.html", "about", "height=600,width=600",);

setTimeout(() => {
    jsWindow.moveTo(500, 500);
}, 3000);

Similarly, you can move the current window by a specified amount:

let jsWindow ="http://localhost/js/about.html", "about", "height=600,width=600",);

setTimeout(() => {
    jsWindow.moveBy(100, -100);
}, 3000);


let jsWindow ="http://localhost/js/about.html", "about", "height=600,width=600",);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);


A newly created window can reference back to the window that opened it via the window.opener property. This allows you to exchange data between the
two windows.



//can be written without window
const myPopup ="", "myPopup", "width=400, height=300");
if (myPopup) {
// Pop-up was opened successfully
    const result = myPopup.confirm
    "Do you want to submit this form?"
    if (result) {
// User clicked OK
        const input = myPopup.prompt("Enter your name:");
        if (input) {
// User entered a name
            myPopup.alert("Hello, " + input + "!");
    else {
// User clicked Cancel
// Do nothing
else {
// Pop-up was blocked by the browser
// Do something else


The window web page Location and provides methods object Loaded in represents the browser for the navigating URL of
to other URLS.

// href (URL) of the current page
// domain name of the web host
// path and filename of the current page.
// the web protocol used (http: or https:)
// loads a new document

The window web page Location and provides methods object Loaded in represents the browser for the navigating URL of
to other URLS.

// This line logs the code name of the browser
console.log("Browser code name:", navigator.appCodeName);
// logs the name of the browser
console.log("Browser name:", navigator.appName);
// logs the version of the browser
console.log("Browser version:", navigator.appVersion);
// logs the platform or operating system where browser is running
console.log("Platform:", navigator.platform);
// it logs the user agent string for the browser, which detects type
//and version of the browsee + the platform and other information
console.log("User agent:", navigator.userAgent);


The BOM provides a history object,
which contains methods and properties
related to the user’s browsing history.

console.Log("Number of pages in history:", history.length);
// Go back one page
// Go forward one page
// Go back two pages


about The screen object provides the user’s screen, such information as its size
and resolution.

//This line logs the width of the user's screen
console.log("Screen width:", screen.width);

// This line logs the height of the user's screen
console.log("Screen height:", screen.height);

// logs the available width of the users screen, after subtracting the space taken up
//by the operating system's taskbar or dock 
console.log("Available screen width:", screen.availWidth);

//taken up by the operating system's taskbar or dock 
// logs the available height of the user's screen in pixels, after subtracting the space
console.log("Available screen height:", screen.availHeight);

// This line logs the number of bits used to represent each color on the user's screen
console.log("Color depth:", screen.colorDepth);