Table of contents
  2. _config.yml
    1. my config for githubpages
    2. old simple config
  3. Custom Domain
    1. Personal Steps
    2. Step 1 — Set domain in GitHub project
    3. Step 2 — Set custom resource record for domain
  5. Template
    1. just-the-docs (current)
  6. Themes
    1. REPO
    2. Add Theme



my config for githubpages

old simple config

lsi:          false
safe:         true
source:       docs
incremental:  false
highlighter:  rouge
  noscript: false
  math_engine:        mathjax
  syntax_highlighter: rouge
markdown:     kramdown
title:        Paxton's Notes
remote_theme: pages-themes/time-machine@v0.2.0
  - jekyll-remote-theme
  enabled:     true
  collections: true

Custom Domain

  1. On GitHub, navigate to your site’s repository.

  2. Under your repository name, clickSettings. If you cannot see the “Settings” tab, select the dropdown menu, then click Settings

    Screenshot of a repository header showing the tabs. The "Settings" tab is highlighted by a dark orange outline.

  3. In the “Code and automation” section of the sidebar, click Pages.

  4. Under “Custom domain”, type your custom domain, then click Save.
    If you are publishing your site from a branch, this will create a commit that adds aCNAMEfile to the root of your source branch.
    If you are publishing your site with a custom GitHub Actions workflow, noCNAMEfile is created.
    For more information about your publishing
    source: Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site

  5. Navigate to your DNS provider and create either an ALIAS,ANAME, or A record You can also createAAAArecords for IPv6 support.
    If you’re implementing IPv6 support, we highly recommend using
    anArecord in addition to yourAAAArecord, due to slow adoption of IPv6 globally.
    For more information about how to create the correct record, see your DNS provider’s documentation.

    • To create anALIASorANAMErecord, point your apex domain to the default domain for your site.
      For more information about the default domain for your site,
      see About GitHub Pages
    • To createArecords, point your apex domain to the IP addresses for GitHub Pages.
    • To createAAAArecords, point your apex domain to the IP addresses for GitHub Pages.


    Warning:We strongly recommend that you do not use wildcard DNS records, such as *
    These records put you at an immediate risk of domain takeovers, even if you verify the domain.
    For example, if you this prevents someone from using but they could still take over (which is
    covered by the wildcard DNS record)
    For more
    information: Verifying your custom domain for GitHub Pages

  6. Open Terminal.

  7. To confirm that your DNS record configured correctly, use thedigcommand, replacing_EXAMPLE.COM_with your apex domain. Confirm that the results
    match the IP addresses for GitHub Pages above.

    • For A records:

      $ dig EXAMPLE.COM +noall +answer -t A
      > EXAMPLE.COM    3600    IN A
      > EXAMPLE.COM    3600    IN A
      > EXAMPLE.COM    3600    IN A
      > EXAMPLE.COM    3600    IN A
    • For AAAA records:

      $ dig EXAMPLE.COM +noall +answer -t AAAA
      > EXAMPLE.COM     3600    IN AAAA     2606:50c0:8000::153
      > EXAMPLE.COM     3600    IN AAAA     2606:50c0:8001::153
      > EXAMPLE.COM     3600    IN AAAA     2606:50c0:8002::153
      > EXAMPLE.COM     3600    IN AAAA     2606:50c0:8003::153

Personal Steps

Step 1 — Set domain in GitHub project

Go to your GitHub Pages site’s repository settings. Under “Custom domain,” add or remove your custom domain and click “Save”

Setting “custom domain” creates a file named CNAME in the same repository. Don’t delete it.

Step 2 — Set custom resource record for domain

This step is specific to your domain name register (like GoDaddy,, Google Domains, etc.). All you need to do is set A & CNAME records
for the selected domain.

For A record, set,,

To redirect wwwsubdomain to the original domain, add a CNAME record with your GitHub pages
profile URL with a .(dot) in the end, for example,

Official References: For most up-to-date IP Addresses, use GitHub’sofficial
and for setting up CNAME use this_documentation_

UPDATE #1: The IP addresses for DNSArecord is updated. The new IP addresses are required to use the free HTTPS support for GitHub pages

UPDATE #2: Some people said this change is not working, it is actually because the DNS update cantake upto**24 hours**to propagate. So, I
guess try hitting your domain the next day. 🤓

NOTE #1: Even though it’s very obvious, you should replace_YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME_andyour-domain.comwith your personal GitHub username and domain
name you are trying to use respectively



jobs: # Build job
  # <Not provided for brevity>
  # At a minimum, this job should upload artifacts using actions/upload-pages-artifact

  # Deploy job
  deploy: # Add a dependency to the build job
    needs:   build

    # Grant GITHUB_TOKEN the permissions required to make a Pages deployment
      pages:    write # to deploy to Pages
      id-token: write # to verify the deployment, originates from an appropriate source

    # Deploy to the github-pages environment
      name: github-pages
      url:  $

    # Specify runner + deployment step
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
        id:   deployment
        uses: actions/deploy-pages@v2 # or the latest "vX.X.X" version tag for this action


just-the-docs (current)

template readme

YAML Example

# Set a path/url to a logo that will be displayed instead of the title
#logo: "/assets/images/just-the-docs.png"

# Enable or disable the site search
# Supports true (default) or false
search_enabled:          true
search: # Split pages into sections that can be searched individually
  # Supports 1 - 6, default: 2
  heading_level:        2
  # Maximum amount of previews per search result
  # Default: 3
  previews:             2
  # Maximum amount of words to display before a matched word in the preview
  # Default: 5
  preview_words_before: 3
  # Maximum amount of words to display after a matched word in the preview
  # Default: 10
  preview_words_after:  3
  # Set the search token separator
  # Default: /[\s\-/]+/
  # Example: enable support for hyphenated search words
  tokenizer_separator:  /[\s/]+/
  # Display the relative url in search results
  # Supports true (default) or false
  rel_url:              true
  # Enable or disable the search button that appears in the bottom right corner of every page
  # Supports true or false (default)
  button:               false

# For copy button on code
enable_copy_code_button: true

# By default, consuming the theme as a gem leaves mermaid disabled; it is opt-in
mermaid: # Version of mermaid library
  # Pick an available version from
  version: "9.1.6"
  # Put any additional configuration, such as setting the theme, in _includes/mermaid_config.js
  # See also docs/ui-components/code
  # To load mermaid from a local library, also use the `path` key to specify the location of the library; e.g.
  # for (v10+):
  # path: "/assets/js/mermaid.esm.min.mjs"
  # for (<v10):
  # path: "/assets/js/mermaid.min.js"
  # Note: copy both `mermaid.esm.min.mjs` (v10+) or `mermaid.min.js` (<v10) and the associated `.map` file from the specified version of `mermaid/dist` to `/assets/js/`.

# Enable or disable heading anchors
heading_anchors:         true

# Aux links for the upper right navigation
  "Just the Docs on GitHub":
    - "//"

# Makes Aux links open in a new tab. Default is false
aux_links_new_tab:       false

# Sort order for navigation links
# nav_sort: case_insensitive # default, equivalent to nil
nav_sort:                case_sensitive # Capital letters sorted before lowercase

# External navigation links
  - title: Just the Docs on GitHub

# Footer content
# appears at the bottom of every page's main content

# Back to top link
back_to_top:             true
back_to_top_text:        "Back to top"

footer_content:          'Copyright &copy; 2017-2020 Patrick Marsceill. Distributed by an <a href="">MIT license.</a> <a href="">This site is powered by Netlify.</a>'

# Footer last edited timestamp
last_edit_timestamp:     true # show or hide edit time - page must have `last_modified_date` defined in the frontmatter
last_edit_time_format:   "%b %e %Y at %I:%M %p" # uses ruby's time format:

# Footer "Edit this page on GitHub" link text
gh_edit_link:            true # show or hide edit this page link
gh_edit_link_text:       "Edit this page on GitHub"
gh_edit_repository:      "" # the github URL for your repo
gh_edit_branch:          "develop" # the branch that your docs are served from
# gh_edit_source: docs # the source that your files originate from
gh_edit_view_mode:       "tree" # "tree" or "edit" if you want the user to jump into the editor immediately

# Color scheme currently only supports "dark", "light"/nil (default), or a custom scheme that you define
color_scheme:            nil

callouts_level:          quiet # or loud
    color: yellow
    title: Important
    color: blue
    title: New
    color: green
    title: Note
    color: purple
    title: Warning
    color: red

# Google Analytics Tracking (optional)
# Supports a CSV of tracking ID strings (eg. "UA-1234567-89,G-1AB234CDE5")
# Note: the main Just the Docs site does *not* use Google Analytics.
# ga_tracking: UA-2709176-10,G-5FG1HLH3XQ
# ga_tracking_anonymize_ip: true # Use GDPR compliant Google Analytics settings (true/nil by default)

  - jekyll-seo-tag
  - jekyll-github-metadata

      line_numbers: false

  clippings:  all
  comments:   all
  endings:    all
  startings: [ ]
  blanklines: false
  profile:    false
  # ignore:
  #   envs: all



Add Theme