Table of contents
  1. TidBits
    1. Function Properties
    2. Function Methods
  2. Get function as string
  3. get function info
  4. remove imported function


Function Properties

You Can pass arguments to functions that do no accept parameters:

call arguments in method to see what has been passed

arguments.callee: Reference to the currently executing function that the arguments belong to.

arguments.caller: Reference to the function that invoked the currently executing function.

arguments.length: The number of arguments that were passed to the function.

arguments[@@iterator]: Returns a new Array iterator object that contains the values for each index in arguments.

Function Methods immediately calls a function

Fn.apply: allows you to pass in an array for parameters

Fn.bind: will bind parameters to a new function

var newFunc = oldFunc.bind({name: ted}, params[("param1", "param2")]);

Get function as string

function extractFunctionBody(fn) {
    var reg = /function \((.*)\)[ ]?{(.*)}$/g;
    var match = reg.exec(fn.toString().replace(/\n/g, ";"));
    if (match) {
        return match[2];
    else {
        return "";
console.log("2", cloneNodeToDocument + "");
const entire = cloneNodeToDocument.toString();

strip string

console.log("3", entire.slice(entire.indexOf("{") + 1, entire.lastIndexOf("}")),);
console.log("4", entire.replace(/^[^{]*{\s*/, ""));
console.log("5", entire.match(/^[^{]+\{(.*?)\}$/));
console.log("6", entire.substring(entire.indexOf("{") + 1, entire.lastIndexOf("}")),);
console.log("7", "(" + cloneNodeToDocument.toString() + ")()");
console.log("8", "(" + cloneNodeToDocument + ")()");
console.log("9", extractFunctionBody(cloneNodeToDocument));

get function info

var FN_ARGS = /^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m;
var FN_ARG_SPLIT = /,/;
var FN_ARG = /^\s*(_?)(\S+?)\1\s*$/;
var STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/gm;

function annotate(fn) {
    var $inject, fnText, argDecl, last;

    if (!($inject = fn.$inject)) {
        $inject = [];
        if (fn.length) {
            fnText = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, "");
            console.log("text", fnText);
            argDecl = fnText.match(FN_ARGS);
            console.log("args", argDecl);
            argDecl[1].split(FN_ARG_SPLIT).forEach(function (arg) {
                arg.replace(FN_ARG, function (all, underscore, name) {
        fn.$inject = $inject;


    return $inject;

remove imported function

export function cleanWebPackImports(stringFunc) {
    const webPackRegex = /[^\s]*(WEBPACK_IMPORTED)(.*?)(\]\)|\])/g;
    const importedFunctionRegex = /\[\"(.*?)\"\]/g;
    let cleanedFunc = "";

    const extractedWebpack = Array.from(stringFunc.matchAll(webPackRegex));
    extractedWebpack.forEach((webPackGarbage) => {
        const extractedFunction = Array.from(webPackGarbage[0].matchAll(importedFunctionRegex), (x) => x[1],);
        cleanedFunc += stringFunc.replace(webPackGarbage[0], extractedFunction);

        //TODO find way to call function with string then can dynamically add used imports
        // let imported = ''
        // if (webPackRegex.test(window[func] + '')) {
        //     imported = cleanWebPackImports(window[func] + '')
        //     console.log("imported", imported)
        // cleanedFunc += `${imported} `
        // }

    return cleanedFunc
           ? cleanedFunc
           : stringFunc;