Table of contents
  1. Testing Library Render Without Router Helper Function
  2. An example React component which uses React Router’s match object to grab a url parameter

Testing Library Render Without Router Helper Function

  • javascript

      import React                 from "react";
      import {Router}              from "react-router-dom";
      import {render}              from "@testing-library/react";
      import {createMemoryHistory} from "history";
      // test utils file
      function renderWithRouter(ui, {
          route = "/", history = createMemoryHistory({initialEntries: [route]})
      } = {}) {
          return {
              ...render(<Router history={history}>{ui}</Router>), history
  • typescript

      // setupTests.tsx
      import {render}                             from '@testing-library/react';
      import {createMemoryHistory, MemoryHistory} from 'history';
      import React                                from 'react';
      import {Router}                             from 'react-router-dom';
      interface RenderWithRouterProps {
          route?: string;
          history?: MemoryHistory;
      export const renderWithRouter = (
          ui: React.ReactNode,
          {route = '/', history = createMemoryHistory({initialEntries: [route]})}: RenderWithRouterProps = {}
      ) => {
          return {
              ...render(<Router history={history}>{ui}</Router>),

An example React component which uses React Router’s match object to grab a url parameter

import React from "react";
import {withRouter} from "react-router";
import ScreenHeader from "../../components/UI/ScreenHeader";
import Error from "../../components/UI/Error";
import Loading from "../../components/UI/Loading";
import {useQuery} from "@apollo/react-hooks";
import {GET_PROJECT} from "../../components/Project/project.query";

const ScreensProject = ({match}) => {
    const {id} = match.params;
    const {loading, error, data} = useQuery(GET_PROJECT, {
        variables: {projectId: id}

    if (loading) return <Loading/>;
    if (error) return <Error error={error}/>;

    return (<div>
        {data.project && (<>
                description="The following is a list of all active Ingest Sheets for a project"

export default withRouter(ScreensProject);