Table of contents
  1. Webworker
  2. Scheduler
    1. Yield


React Example

const items = new Array(100).fill(null);

const workerScript = `
  function waitSync(milliseconds) {
    const start =;
    while ( - start < milliseconds) {}

  self.onmessage = function(e) {
    self.postMessage('Process complete!');

const blob = new Blob([workerScript], {type: "text/javascipt"});
const worker = new Worker(window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));

for (const i of items) {

    await new Promise((resolve) => {
        worker.onmessage = function (e) {
            loopCount.innerText = Number(loopCount.innerText) + 1;


Unfortunately, the entire Scheduler interface comes with a bummer: it’s not that well-supported across all browsers yet. But it is easy enough
to polyfill with existing
asynchronous APIs. So, at least a strong portion of users would benefit from it.

const items = new Array(100).fill(null);

for (const i of items) {
    loopCount.innerText = Number(loopCount.innerText) + 1;

    await new Promise((resolve) => scheduler.postTask(resolve));

  • Yield

    The yield() method of the Scheduler interface is used for yielding to the main thread during a task and continuing execution later, with the continuation scheduled as a
    prioritized task… This allows long-running work to be broken up so the browser stays responsive.

      const items = new Array(100).fill(null);
      for (const i of items) {
      loopCount.innerText = Number(loopCount.innerText) + 1;
      await scheduler.yield();