Table of contents
  1. get env variables
  2. get local ip
  3. convert file/image to base64
    1. Disable Root
  5. Copy terminal output directly to clip board
  6. Restart
  7. Check Permissions
  8. Schedule Mac to power on or wake, M refers to Monday
  9. Schedule Mac to shut down:
  10. View your current schedules:
  11. Cancel your schedules:
  12. Create Ram Disk For Intellij
    1. create ramdisk
  13. Launching Apps From Terminal
    1. Creating Shell Aliases for Frequently Launched GUI Apps
    1. How to fix Mac OSX stuck/hanging on progress bar after login
  15. Resources

get env variables


get local ip

osascript -e "IPv4 address of (system info)"
ifconfig | grep "inet "

convert file/image to base64

base64 -i ./post_u_north_gate.jpg | pbcopy
cat ./post_u_north_gate.jpg | openssl base64 | tr -d '\n' | pbcopy
./post_u_north_gate.jpg | openssl base64 | tr -d '\n' | pbcopy



Disable Root

dsenableroot -d

Copy terminal output directly to clip board

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/


sudo shutdown now

#specific time
sudo shutdown hhmm

Check Permissions

ls -lO /System

Schedule Mac to power on or wake, M refers to Monday

sudo pmset repeat wake M 8:00:00

Schedule Mac to shut down:

sudo pmset repeat shutdown F 20:00:00

View your current schedules:

pmset -g sched

Cancel your schedules:

sudo pmset repeat cancel

Create Ram Disk For Intellij

diskutil erasevolume HFS+ 'RAM Disk' `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://XXXXX`

Replace the X characters with a number that represents the block size for the total capacity of your RAM Disk.

Calculate this number by multiplying your desired size of disk in megabytes by 2048. In our example, we’ll create a 4 GB RAM Disk, which requires a number of 8388608 (4096 \* 2048). Input this number in place of the X characters in the command above:
diskutil erasevolume HFS+ 'RAM Disk' `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://8388608

create ramdisk

if [ ! -d /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/tbcore/intellij ]; then diskutil erasevolume HFS+ JetBrainsKeys `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://6291456`;
mkdir -p /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij;
chmod -R 777 /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys;

#mkdir -p /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/tbcore/intellij/caches;
#ln -s /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij/caches/Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.1/caches;

Launching Apps From Terminal

Terminal command to launch macOS gui apps is appropriately called open and here is how it works at its most simple:

open -a ApplicationName

That will open the defined app named “ApplicationName”

But open is much more powerful than that. If you just type open at the command prompt, you’ll return the basic help file with details on how to properly use the command with a variety of flags and syntax.

While the open command exists in all versions of Mac OS X, the abilities vary somewhat depending on what version of macOS / Mac OS X the Mac is running. Nonetheless, in modern releases this is what you’ll see:
  • Usage: open [-e] [-t] [-f] [-W] [-R] [-n] [-g] [-h] [-b ] [-a ] [filenames] [--args arguments]

  • Help: Open opens files from a shell. By default, open each file using the default application for that file. If the file is in the form of a URL,
    the file will be opened as a URL.

  • Options:
    -a : Opens with the specified application.
    -b : Opens with the specified application bundle identifier.
    -e : Opens with TextEdit.
    -t : Opens with default text editor.
    -f : Reads input from standard input and opens with TextEdit.
    -F --fresh : Launches the app fresh, that is, without restoring windows. Saved persistent state is lost, excluding Untitled documents.
    -R, --reveal : Selects in the Finder instead of opening.
    -W, --wait-apps : Blocks until the used applications are closed (even if they were already running).
    --args : All remaining arguments are passed in argv to the application’s main() function instead of opened.
    -n, --new : Open a new instance of the application even if one is already running.
    -j, --hide : Launches the app hidden.
    -g, --background : Does not bring the application to the foreground.
    -h, --header : Searches header file locations for headers matching the given filenames, and opens them.

In other words, example simple command syntax could look like the following, opening “ApplicationName” with the file located at the path

open -a ApplicationName /file/to/open

You’ll note you don’t need the full path to the application name, but you would need the full path to a file name.

The usage is likely self-explanatory to those who have experience in the command line environment, but for those who are new to the Terminal, don’t
be too confused, it is easy to use, and we’ll
For example, if you want to edit /etc/motd with TextWrangler to change your Message of the Day, but you hate the command line editors nano
and vi, here is what you’d type:

open -a TextWrangler /etc/motd
Also worth noting is that if you are launching an application with spaces in its name, you’ll want to add a backslash after each word, opening Adobe Photoshop CS would look like this:
open -a Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS

Launching GUI Apps as root from the Command Line

sudo open -a TextEdit /tmp/magicfile

Creating Shell Aliases for Frequently Launched GUI Apps

  1. First launch the profile or .bash_profile into a text editor:

      nano .profile


      open -e .profile
  2. add the following to a new line:

      alias photoshop="open -a Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS"

This creates an alias, so that the open -a Adobe\ Photoshop CS command is now shortened to simply photoshop.


How to fix Mac OSX stuck/hanging on progress bar after login
