Table of contents
  1. Regex simplicity vs normal
    1. Traditional way:
    2. Regex Way:
  2. Flags
  3. Shortcodes for Metacharacters:
  4. Negated Character Class
  5. RegExp
    2. Exec
    3. Test
  6. String
    2. Replace
    3. ReplaceAll
      1. Leave only Alpha Chars and remove space
  7. Validate your password with regex
    1. Example password validation regex
      1. Special character matching
      2. Number matching
      3. Small letter matching
      4. Big letter matching
      5. Consecutive numbers matching
      6. Sequential numbers matching (cannot be used at the same time with previous rule)
      7. Length of string matching (should be placed last)

Regex simplicity vs normal

There are some cases when making use of regular expressions (regex) can exempt a lot of fuss from a programmers head.
For example, let’s compare the complexity between traditional logic and regex,
in a function that excludes the vowels from a given string:

  • Traditional way:

    function removeVowel(str) {
      let strList = str.split("");
      for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        let char = str[i].toLowerCase();
        if (
          char == "a" ||
          char == "e" ||
          char == "i" ||
          char == "o" ||
          char == "u"
        ) {
          strList[i] = "";
      return strList.join("");
  • Regex Way:

    function removeVowel(str) {
      return str.replace(/[aeiou]/gi, "");


  • g is used for global search which means the search will not return after the first match.
  • i is used for case-insensitive search meaning that a match can occur regardless of the casing.
  • m is used for multiline search.
  • u is used for Unicode search.

Shortcodes for Metacharacters:

  • \d matches any decimal digit and is shorthand for [0-9].
  • \w matches any alphanumeric character which could be a letter, a digit, or an underscore. \w is shorthand for [A-Za-z0-9_].
  • \s matches any white space character.
  • \D matches any non-digit and is the same as [^0-9.]
  • \W matches any non-word (that is non-alphanumeric) character and is shorthand for [^A-Za-z0-9_].
  • \S matches a non-white space character.
  • . matches any character.

Negated Character Class

If you add a caret symbol inside a character class like this [^...], it will match any character that is not listed inside the square brackets.

const regexPattern = /[^bc]at/;

console.log(regexPattern.test("bat")); // Output: false

console.log(regexPattern.test("cat")); // Output: false

console.log(regexPattern.test("mat")); // Output: true





const regexAlreadyCloned = /clone/i;


const regex = new RegExp(/ROLE_PERMISSION_.*/);
return currentUser?.authorities?.filter((role) => !regex.test(role));



return all matches when using g global flag



const begginingWhiteSpace = new RegExp(/^((\r\n)+|\r+|\n+|\t+|\s+)*/, "m");
const controlCharacterRegExp = new RegExp(/(\r\n)+|\r+|\n+|\t+/, "g");

return stringToParse
    .replace(begginingWhiteSpace, "")
    .replace(controlCharacterRegExp, " , ");


Leave only Alpha Chars and remove space

const removeSpecialChar = /[^a-zA-Z\d ]/g;
const replaceSpace = /\s/g;
const onlyAlpha = (fileName
                   ? fileName
                   : title).replaceAll(removeSpecialChar, "",);
const strippedFName = onlyAlpha.replaceAll(replaceSpace, "_");

Validate your password with regex

Example password validation regex

  • the rules below can be concatenated

Special character matching

  • Matches (operator is ?=) any string that has at least a special character e.g.: sadsds@asdasd

Number matching

  • Matches (operator is ?=) any string that has at least a number: e.g.: s1adsdsasdasd

Small letter matching

  • Matches (operator is ?=) any string that has at least a small letter: e.g.: SADSa

Big letter matching

  • Matches (operator is ?=) any string that has at least a big letter: e.g.: SADSa

Consecutive numbers matching

  • Doesn’t match (operator is ?!) strings that have consecutive numbers in them: e.g.: asdasd42dada

Sequential numbers matching (cannot be used at the same time with previous rule)

  • Doesn’t match (operator is ?!) strings that have sequential numbers in them: e.g.: 12asdasd42dada
  • It will allow numbers that are separated by other letters e.g.: adasd1asd2asd3
  • It will allow consecutive numbers e.g.: ahadADS22dhsg44

Length of string matching (should be placed last)

  • This will match any string that is less than 8 characters