Table of contents
  1. Quick Scripts
    1. Tips and Tricks
    2. Enable APIs and services for functions
  2. Write Function
  3. Client Libraries
    1. DotNet Functions Framework
  4. Local Development
    1. Running Function with Framework
  5. Triggers
    1. PubSub 1st Gen
    2. PubSub 2nd Gen
  6. Deploy
    1. Gen 1
      1. test
      2. logs
  7. Event Driven
  8. Resources

Quick Scripts

Tips and Tricks

Enable APIs and services for functions

gcloud services enable \    
  cloudfunctions \ \    

Write Function

Client Libraries

DotNet Functions Framework

Local Development

Running Function with Framework


PubSub 1st Gen

PubSub 2nd Gen


Gen 1

where my-first-function is the registered name by which your function will be identified in the Google Cloud console, and –entry-point specifies
your function’s fully qualified class name (FQN).

gcloud functions deploy my-first-function --entry-point HelloWorld.Function --runtime dotnet6 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated    


gcloud functions describe my-first-function    


gcloud functions logs read my-first-function    

Event Driven
