Table of contents
  1. Strings
    1. Replace characters in string
    2. Splitting strings
    3. Slice word[0..3]


Used for classes to establish to string


‘’’ … ‘’’ three single quotes creates a multiline string obj

Str -= “rainy” will remove rainy from the string

Use stripIndent() or stripMargin() remove indents

stripMargin(‘char’) indicates what lines, orby default
"""<p><strong>Scheduled Interview Summary</strong></p>    
|<p><strong>Company</strong>: @@company@@<br>""".stripMargin()    
"abc".tr('abc', '321')    

Replace characters in string

Java char saved as int per ascii

Def x = 'a'

(int) x - 96 = 1    

Splitting strings

The split() method returns a string [] instance and the tokenize() method returns a list instance

tokenize() ,which returns a list, will ignore empty string (when a delimiter appears twice in succession) where as split() keeps such string.

Slice word[0..3]

Will get letters at index 0 through 3

word[1,6,0] get letters index 1,6, and 0