Table of contents
  1. Binding
    1. BindingResult
    2. DataBinder
  2. Discriminator
    1. utilizing formula
    2. standard


Groovy Examples


package org.springframework.validation; = newMap as BindingResult


package grails.web.databinding

class BindSomeData implements DataBinder {
    Map createUpdateClientSetup(IntegrationCommand integrationCMD, def clientSetup = null) {
        ClientSetup newClientSetup = (clientSetup && clientSetup instanceof ClientSetup) ? clientSetup as ClientSetup : new ClientSetup()
        Map clientAndCompany = (clientSetup && clientSetup instanceof ClientSetup) ? [clientId: clientSetup.clientId, clientName: clientSetup.clientName] : fetchClientIdAndCompanyName(integrationCMD)
        clientAndCompany.externalClientId = integrationCMD.externalClientId ? Long.valueOf(integrationCMD.externalClientId) : clientAndCompany.clientId
        Object paramMap = [*: integrationCMD.buildClientSetup(), *: clientAndCompany]

        if (paramMap?.errors) return [*: paramMap, code: 422]

        bindData(newClientSetup, paramMap as Object)
        def errors = validatingClosure(newClientSetup)

        return errors ?: [clientSetup: true)]


utilizing formula

was used to modify existing domain to add a parent , and existing records would have a class
class Group {
    String name
    UserGroupType type
    Long userId
    Long interviewModelId
    Long clientSetupId
    Date dateCreated
    Date lastUpdated
    Visibility visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE

    static hasMany = [groupAssessmentOrders: UserGroupAssessmentOrder, userGroupShare: UserGroupShare]
    static constraints =

                interviewModelId nullable: true
                name(unique: ['clientSetupId', 'userId', 'type'])
                groupAssessmentOrders cascade: "all-delete-orphan"
                visibility nullable: true

    static mapping =
                table "user_group"
                discriminator formula: "case when (type = 'GROUP_COMPARE') then '${UserGroupType.GROUP_COMPARE.key}' when (type = 'RESULT_COMPARE') then '${UserGroupType.RESULT_COMPARE.key}' when (type in ('RESULTGROUP', 'MYSAVEDGROUP')) then '${UserGroupType.RESULTGROUP.key}' else '${UserGroupType.GROUPDEFAULT.key}' end ",
                        type: 'string',
                        value: UserGroupType.GROUPDEFAULT.key

                groupAssessmentOrders joinTable: ['user_group_assessment_order',
                                                  column: 'user_group_assessment_order_id',
                                                  key   : 'user_group_id'] //Custom Join Table name and Column

                visibility defaultValue: Visibility.PRIVATE

class ResultCompare extends Group {

    static hasOne = [groupCompareJoinUserGroup: GroupCompareJoinUserGroup]
    static mapping =

                table 'user_group'
                groupCompareJoinUserGroup nulable: true, cascade: "all-delete-orphan"
                discriminator value: UserGroupType.RESULT_COMPARE.key
                groupAssessmentOrders cascade: "all-delete-orphan"

    ResultCompare() {
        this.type = UserGroupType.RESULT_COMPARE

    ResultCompare(Group group, Long userId, String name) {
        this.type = UserGroupType.RESULT_COMPARE
        this.interviewModelId ='interviewModelId') as Long
        this.clientSetupId ='clientSetupId') as Long
        this.type = UserGroupType.RESULT_COMPARE
        this.userId = userId = name
        this.groupCompareJoinUserGroup = new GroupCompareJoinUserGroup(userGroup: group)


class UserGroup extends Group {
    static hasMany = [userGroupJoinGroupCompare: GroupCompareJoinUserGroup]

    static constraints =

    static mapping =
                table 'user_group'
                discriminator value: UserGroupType.RESULTGROUP.key

                userGroupJoinGroupCompare cascade: "all", joinTable: ['user_group_group_compare',
                                                                      column: 'group_compare_id',
                                                                      key   : 'user_group_id']

class GroupCompare extends Group {

    static hasMany = [userGroupJoinGroupCompare: GroupCompareJoinUserGroup]
    static constraints =
                userGroupShare nullable: true

    static mapping =
                table 'user_group'
                discriminator value: UserGroupType.GROUP_COMPARE.key
                userGroupJoinGroupCompare cascade: "all-delete-orphan",
                        joinTable: ['group_compare_user_group', column: 'user_group_id', key: 'group_compare_id']
                groupAssessmentOrders cascade: "all-delete-orphan"

    GroupCompare() {
        this.type = UserGroupType.GROUP_COMPARE

    GroupCompare(Group group, Long userId, String name) {
        this.interviewModelId = group?.interviewModelId as Long
        this.clientSetupId = group?.clientSetupId as Long
        this.type = UserGroupType.GROUP_COMPARE
        this.userId = userId = name
        GroupCompareJoinUserGroup join = new GroupCompareJoinUserGroup(userGroup: group, groupToCompare: this)

    void addUserGroupToCompare(Group group) {
        if (this.interviewModelId == group?.interviewModelId) {
            GroupCompareJoinUserGroup join = new GroupCompareJoinUserGroup(userGroup: group)

class GroupCompareJoinUserGroup implements Serializable {
    Group groupCompare
    Group userGroup
    static belongsTo = [groupCompare: Group, userGroup: Group]

    static constraints =
                groupCompare unique: 'userGroup'
                userGroup cascade: "none", validator: {
                    Group val, GroupCompareJoinUserGroup obj, errors ->
                        if (val.interviewModelId != obj.groupCompare.interviewModelId) errors.reject("different_interview_models", "interviewModelId is not the same for these groups")


class TeamCompare extends Team {

    Collection teamsToCompare

    static hasMany = [teamsToCompare: TeamCompareJoinUser]

    static mapping =

                table "team_compare"
                discriminator value: TeamCompareType.TEAM_COMPARE.key
                teamsToCompare cascade: 'all-delete-orphan'

    TeamCompare(User team, User user, String name, Long clientSetupId) {
        this.user = user = name
        this.clientSetupId = clientSetupId
        TeamCompareJoinUser join = new TeamCompareJoinUser(team: team, teamCompare: this as Team)

    void addTeamsToCompare(User team) {
        TeamCompareJoinUser join = new TeamCompareJoinUser(team: team)